1. full name: Peh ____ Melissa
2. name backwards: Assilem
3. were you named after someone: nope
4. meaning of name: honey-bee .. wahhaaa [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa]
5. nickname: mel...
6. screen name: screen ?!
7. D.O.B: 12031988
8. place of birth: xin jia po
9. nationality: sing ga po
10. current location: Tampines
11. star sign: Pisces
12. religion:
13. height: 164
14. weight: "Deng wo jian fei cheng gong then gao shu ni" .. quoted frm ruizhen hahaa..
15. shoe size: 5 or 6 bah..
16. hair colour: BLACK!!
17. eye colour: blackk
18. who do you look like: my MAMA la..
19. innie or outtie: wad?!
20. leftie or rightie: right
21. les, straight, bi or others: others.. hahahaaa
22. best friends: ruizhen hannah aisha hasmah ....
23. best friend you trust most: all =)
24. favourite pals: yvonne
25. best friend of opposite sex: ehh.. dun have leh..
26. best buddies: sia mee ?!
27. boyfriend or girlfriend: waaAd?!
28. crush: shh... mimi!!
29. parents: wads this qns about ?!
30. worst enemy: i no enemy wan wor..
31. favourite online guy: ---
32. favourite online girl: ---
33. craziest friend: all very crazy lorr
34. advice friend: i dun really seek advice wan bah.. if have mayb ruizhen bah..
36. person you cry with: nope..
37. any sisters: nahz..
38. any brothers: yeap 1 ..
39. any pets: fishhhh
40. any disease: choy la!>
41. pagers: nong nong ago bah...
42. personal phone line: issit a yes/no qn? yes..
43. cell phone: 4get wad model.. panasonic la
45. pool or hot tub: both is fine
46. a car: nope..
47. your personality: Sensitive!!! , Observant!!!
48. driving: nope
49. room: yesh..
50. whats missing: huh?!
51. school: TP
52. bed colour: colourful la..
53. relationship with parents: okok lor..
54. believe in yourself: yeap
55. believe in love at first sight: yeshhh..
56. good listener: nope hahaaa..
7. get along well with parents: yeaap.
58. save email conversations: sia mee is email conversation ar?
59. pray: yah...
60. believe in reincarnation: maybe..
61. make fun of people: hahaa.. who dont?!
62. like to talk on the phone: okok lor..
63. want to get married: still a nong way la..
64. like to drive: not really
65. motion sickness: bus sick hahaaa..
66. eat stem of broccoli: yeap..
67. eat chicken with fork:
68. dream in colour: wah.. shud b black n white bah.. i dun really rmb dreams..
69. type with your fingers on home role: ?! huh
70. sleep with stuff animals:
71. next to you: wad?!
72. on the walls of your room: jay!! n some glow in d dark dolphins
73. on your mousepad: i no hav mousepad .. hahaa
74. dream car: sl55... hahahaaa
75. dream date: 12/03/2020 .. date?! hahahaaa..
76. dream honeymoon spot: dunno leh
77. dream husband or wife:
78. bedtime: it used to be 10.. im a gd girl..n believe in zao sui zao qi..
79. under your bed: another bed lor..
80. single most important question:
81. bad time of a day:
82. your worst fear: cats n dogs.. argh!
83. the weather is: now ?! .. hot.. i nv on fan.. hahaa
84. time: 1.15pm
85. date: 24/09/200686.best trick did on someone: dunno
87. theme song: bad day .. by danial powter..
88. hardest thing about growing up: growing fat.. hahaaaaa
89. funniest experience: shud b the slap slap incident
90. scariest experience: wake up knowing kena sore eye.. a fewdays b4 psle!!!!
91. silliest thing you have ever said: dunno
92. scariest thing while you are with your friends: nothing bah..
93. worst feeling: see 90.
94. best feeling in the world: "Haha.... i tink all people will have the same answer?" ... wad?!
if u manage to read till this qn.. DO IT... coz youre definitely very bored!!