@ changi airport.. arnd5pm le~

on the plane... tiger airway..

arrived in bangkok arnd 8... check-in into eastin hotel.. at 1st we booked 6rooms.. but sumtings screwed up... oni got 3 rooms available.. but ish 2suites n 1penthse.. cool... 1st time staying in a hotel with 'living room' n a bar

the bar counter

the big bed with a superduper big pillow =)

1st nite @ madeline's big penthse

day2: went for city tour.. on the boat.. fed fishes.. n saw the lucky white fish 3times.. haha.. soo lucky ar~~
hongkong noodle ??! wanton noodle la.. how i wish i was at hongkong~~
shopping arnd baiyoke sky.. the BEST hotel.. when i last went bangkok i stayed there =)
shop n shop n shop.. walk n walk n walk...
bargain.. bargain~~
end... lots of shopping done... =)
i tink i enjoyed myself...
the next destination.. i wanna go hongkong... =)
today back to sch... so tired.. arghh~~