<-- ive been facing tis tings since the holis started.. (frm left) tv(i can multi-task, comp n tv.. noprobz), cute ball-phone(brought to u by singtel..wrld cup kick off..wah sum kinda antique dunno how long liao) printer(since my comp screwed up once.. cant installed the printer soo... dusty liao heehee).. on the printer ish my $2/- webcam(branded wan hor Logitech).. den is keyboard,moniter.. of coz nid controllers.. seen on the table is aircon n tv controller la.. oh almost forget.. the black tingy bside the fan.. is on the table a lamp la.. and if u got sharp eyes can see a cup with a card on it.. is my bro hendoncamp pass ar.. reminding me that he cuming back real soon.. tmr nite.. he called back a few days ago.. tink he in kinda bad condition(blister la.. blahhh) but he sounds good.. mean not very bad la... ---- enuff of rubbish.. but.. yet more crazy tings happen today went out with my mum.. i thot i was a good gurl by agreeing to go out hor.... but... wah!!! TM.. today crowded lyk everything no nid $!!!.... buy buy buy.. i din buy aniting ... other ppl buy la... lots of aunties... spent 100 .. hor den can.. blahhhhblahhbalh.. spent 150 hor.. den cann... blahblah.. very cheap meh!?! long queue....sia spent 50 can buy sumting at 10cents..(2candrinks n 1umbrella).. TMR LAST DAY AH.. all aunties meet up n go snatch hoRr.. later late liao no more liao... aunties are... kiasu(mostly n usually loh)
aunties are... blind(push here push dere with the big plastic bag)
aunties are... patient(dey can 忍..so long queue 硬硬要等到...)
aunties are... kind(dey share info with fellow aunties.. heheee)
my mum not included ar...
coz she go with me consider alone ar so... aunTY(one person)
if she go with aunTIES(more den 1 ar..) she sure 发挥 all her 功夫
but she join in the grabs la.. she grab sum cheap 燕窝 frm 余人参(..shud b written lyk tis la)..
wad a chaotic day.. hot day... tiring day
totally chaotic